Our Vision
To uphold the dignity of labor, preserve, strengthen, protect workers and Trade Union rights.
Our Mission
To protect, defend and promote the rights, well-being and the interest of workers.
Our Vision
Our Misson
To uphold the dignity of labor, preserve, strengthen, protect workers and Trade Union rights.
To protect, defend and promote the rights, well-being and the interest of workers.
Aims & Objective
To secure the Unionization of eligible workers within the jurisdictional scope of Maritime Workers Union Nigeria as stipulated by Trade Union Amendment Decree 4 of 1999.
To maintain and improve just and proper salary scale, rate of pay, hours of work and other conditions of service and generally, to protect the interest of members of the Union;
To regulate relations and settle dispute between the Union and its members, between members and members, between officers and officers, and between officers and members of the Union.
To encourage and maintain high level of productivity and efficiency in the maritime industry.
To provide for its members as and when necessary, such welfare benefits as the National Executive Council or the Central Working Committee may approve from time to time.
To foster unity, friendship and cooperation among the members generally and to improve genuine cooperative bodies among the members.
To ensure the employers make adequate provision for industrial health, safety and welfare of the workers in accordance with environmental labour laws and conventions.
To make grants and share in the management and control of any institution of learning having for its objectives, the education of workers and Trade Union official;
To take part in the industrial and social activities of workers as may be directed by the National Delegates Conference, National Executive Council or the Central Working Committee.
To make donations to these institutions from which members may derive benefit and to render assistance to other Trade Unions, Federation of Trade Unions and the Nigeria Labour Congress, etc
To award scholarships to members and officers of the Union to further their education either in Nigeria or overseas where necessary and possible.
To associate with the Trade Unions in the transport industry having common objective with the Union.
To approve legal and other assistance when necessary to elected and appointed officers of the Union in all matters pertaining to the lawful performance of their duties.
To affiliate to the Nigeria Labour Congress and to federate or amalgamate with any Union or Unions in the Transport Industry, as may be decided by the Central Working Committee, National Executive Council after ratification by the National Delegates Conference.
To engage in, participate and encourage the dissemination of information to its members in particular and the public in general, as situations may demand.
To pursue such other objectives as are lawful and not inconsistent with the spirit of practice of Trade Unionism in the Country.
Maritime Workers Union of Nigeria shall adopt and inculcate in all its officers and members a set of core values.
Being truthful with union
members and workers at all times.
conducting the business of the union with openness based on a sense of responsibility and being answerable to the membership
ensuring fairness and equity in the treatment of all issues and people irrespective of gender and ethno religious consideration
Confidence and boldness in pursuing the interests and agenda for the union
Commitment to labour principles
Recognizing and respecting
the rights of the members as stakeholders of the union whose interests and aspiration needs shall provide the basis of all union action; including the right to
elect, recall or remove any officer in the service of the union